There are two types of employment affirmative action for federal contractors. One is for goods and services (41 CFR 60-1, 60-2) and the other is for construction contractors (41 CFR 60-4). There is one similarity...each is dependent on the employer having a primary contract or first-tier subcontract with the federal government.
We will do the work for you through our AAP Preparation Service
Cost= about $3650
(Cost per establishment falls dramatically when you have multiple establishments or need numerous years prepared retroactively)
We have helped scores of small and mid-sized, tri-state area client organizations with their affirmative action plan development and updating. With most of them, we do our work by email, FAX and telephone. Unless you want us to help you with your implantation training, there is usually no reason for us to incur expenses for you by traveling to your location. However, we can and will visit you at your request. We can do the entire project for you, or you can do your own narrative update if you wish. We’ll handle the statistical analysis reports you need each year and quarterly if you would rather not worry about all the number crunching.
We Guarantee Our Work will meet federal regulatory requirements in effect at the time of our work for you. That guarantee is effective for six months after we deliver your AAP draft. (It would be longer, but the government requires a complete update of your AAP if you are audited more than six months into your plan year.) IF anyone shows that we have not followed federal regulations in developing your AAP we will either fix the problem at no additional costs to you or refund your project fee at our option.
IF this appeals to you, and you would like to learn more about what we do and how we do it, we invite you to reach out to us.
We look forward to working with you and your organization. Why not give us a call now to get things rolling? Our number is 215.337.3994.
AAP Consulting services include:
  • Development of job group analysis and organizational profile 
  • Determining recruitment areas and feeder groups 
  • Conducting internal and external availability calculations 
  • Determining incumbency vs. estimated availability 
  • Developing placement goals for the current plan year 
  • Evaluating goal attainment from the previous year 
  • Generating data analysis reports for Individuals with Disabilities (IWD) and Veterans 
  • Calculating IWD utilization and VETS hiring benchmark results 
  • Calculating adverse impact on personnel actions 

Let Us Help You 

Schedule Your FREE Overview Call Today! 

Office Location
261 Old York Road, Ste 735 
Jenkintown, PA 19046
Contact Information 
 Phone: 215.782.1877.
Email: admin@mwcbusinesssolutions.com 

The contents of this website are being provided for instructional purposes only. The information provided within this site is being provided by sources considered to be reliable however, MWC Business Solutions guarantees the accuracy of this content.